Updated 30 days ago
4056 Brookrun Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43204
FOSDAF is a non-profit institution focused on mobilizing the resources and skills of African civil society, to promote productivity, innovation, self-financing and the occupation of channels of the economic flow by national actors...
FOSDAF aims in doing so, to showcase your talents and make them fruitful in the intersectoral integration network of the economy created to promote the structuring of African development and put everyone to work to break the vicious circle of job search into becoming one's own employer when subscribing to the capital of the Foundation. Subscribing to the capital of FOSDAF offers you the opportunity to become co-manager of this dynamics. Subscribe yourself and invite your friends to do likewise, thereby reinforcing the opportunity for Africa to grow and prosper...
FOSDAF aims precisely to reverse this descent to the abyss by triggering the construction of internal dynamics and its full self-financing.