Updated 31 days ago
United Kingdom
Cattle will lean against a hedge and make gaps whilst sheep push through the base, hedgelaying prevents this. Cut stems are bent over at an angle, secured with stakes and in some styles binders along the top, so creating a living, stock-proof barrier. Hedgelaying is the only hedgerow maintenance method currently available which promotes regrowth from ground level and which will ensure the health and longevity of the hedgerow. Once a hedge has been layed regular trimming will keep it in good order for up to 50 years when it may be appropriate to lay the hedge again...
The National Hedgelaying Society (NHLS) is a UK-based charity dedicated to promoting and preserving the traditional craft of hedgelaying. We aim to raise awareness about the environmental and cultural significance of hedgerows, offering training courses and certifications to maintain high standards within the craft.