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Hi there! I am excited to tell you more about myself. I was raised in a small farm town outside of Reno, NV called Fernley. We had a 2-acre farm with many animals. My mom is a veterinary technician and loves horses. I have been riding horses since I..

Relevance: 6.776254
well i am in the gr. 8( i falled 2) at l.b.p for all u ppl that dont now wat l.b.p is = to LESTER B. PEARSON... i cant wait to finsh hight skewl to becom a dr. becuz i lov kids and i want to help the world! i am a GEMINI !! and proud of it.. i am the..

Relevance: 6.7761335
I have always been an animal lover. I got my first rattie when I was at a small pet store getting cat food. I saw a rattie in a cage and asked about him. The owner said he would be sold to the first buyer and it did not matter if he would be a pet or..

Relevance: 6.7752395
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I grew up here in Grand Rapids; Wyoming to be more specific where I went to tot-lot, grade school, and High School. I graduated from Grand Valley State where I met my wife. My daughter and son were both born here at Spectrum Health, although I still..

Relevance: 6.775213
Welcome to my dribblings. Here is where I spout forth my opinions about things that interest or annoy me. I read, I observe, I form an opinion and I write about it. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes I don't, sometimes I dribble a whole load of..

Relevance: 6.7748265
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After graduating from Ohio University with a degree Graphic Design, I didn't anticipate I would end up with a career in Interior Design. But it became a logical step forward and after leaving Washington D.C. to move back home to Ohio, I started on..

Relevance: 6.7743106
Hello, my name is Eric and this is my concrete blog. I am not a concrete contractor but I have recently learnt quite a lot about concrete and concrete pumping. I decided to lay a new concrete drive at my home. The drive is very long and very wide so..

Relevance: 6.7732744
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I am a linguist. I am near native in English. I write well both in English and in Polish. I am a huge fan of IT Crowd TV series. I even started learning programming at one point, but I decided I am better off sticking to natural languages...

Relevance: 6.7731647
I am a 35 year old mother of 4. My husband and I run a successful business, and I have recently returned to school to continue my education. I also teach writing classes at CU Denver. You can read more about that crazy adventure at my other blog..

Relevance: 6.7730036
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When I was asked in first grade what I wanted to be when I grew up, I quickly replied, "I want to be an artist!" If I were asked where I wanted to live, I would have said Maine... Luckily, my mom was willing to support my plan. I started art classes..

Relevance: 6.772579
Hello! My name is Andy and this is my appliance repair blog. I first became interested in appliance repair when I was eight years old. I was watching my dad repair a washing machine. I was amazed at all the different components and wires. As I grew..

Relevance: 6.7725472
My name is Ivy. I recently discovered a love for editing videos. I started off on youtube just doing random vlogs about my days and hanging out with my friends but realized there was no story line to it. I was told I should try making cooking videos..

Relevance: 6.7718687
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My name is Jocelyn, I am a high school junior with a passion for culinary arts and confections. I have been cooking and baking since I was 5 years old. As soon as I was old enough to sit on the counter and stir a pot. I have always known I loved..

Relevance: 6.77148
My name is Marrit Veenstra, I compose with fabrics and other materials that have lived and with objects I found that tell a story - our story... On these emotional traces of another era I assemble, I interweave, I dye, I embroider, I paint. I..

Relevance: 6.7709093
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My name is Jasmine Ford & I'm the owner of Jazzy Sweeties. I want to tell you a little about myself, I'm the only girl of three children. I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio by a single parent who struggle just to make sure me and my brothers..

Relevance: 6.770784
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I suddenly found myself in the ER hovering between life and death, uncertain which outcome would prevail. This day, a few years ago, began like any ordinary day of so many. It was a beautiful sunny day and I began it with coffee on my outside deck..

Relevance: 6.769849
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I've been on the healing journey for over 20 years. I'm a survivor of childhood trauma, adverse childhood experience (ACE), narcissistic abuse, emotional neglect, and emotional abuse. I spent decades trying to figure out what was "wrong" with me. I..

Relevance: 6.7687974
Leisel Manning is a multimedia artist specializing in realistic artwork done in graphite, watercolors, acrylics, oils and pastels based in Trinidad... I am a multimedia artist born and residing in Trinidad and Tobago. I have been drawing since I was..

Relevance: 6.768766
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Jero Cerezo is a filmmaker and photographer from Barcelona. He tells us stories through light and his sensitivity. Fashion, art and music... I'm Jero, sometimes I take photos, other times I make videos, I have a good time, I travel, I also edit..

Relevance: 6.7682853
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I was born into a family of Armenians who immigrated to Iraq and then to the Midwest. My interest in cooking emerged at a very early age stemming from the time I spent with my mother when she cooked in the kitchen. In my 20s, I worked as a kitchen..

Relevance: 6.768124
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Unconventional ︎ is the new standard I am a visual designer specialising in bold brand experiences. I believe every subject can make a captivating story. I..... I am a visual designer specialising in bold brand experiences. I believe every subject..

Relevance: 6.7676206
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My Dad was a Ham Radio enthusiast, and a builder of Heath Kits. When I was very young, I "helped" him assemble the kits by getting the components that he called for. This led to me building my own Heath Kits when I got a little older. I was hooked.....

Relevance: 6.7668414
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My name is Amy, nice to meet you! I grew up watching my grandmother cook amazing foods from all of the countries she had lived in during her life. She taught me everything she knew and I try to put the same care and attention into my cooking that she..

Relevance: 6.7665925
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When I was in high school I was a runner and I was fascinated with how the body worked. I loved to read books on running and the body's response to exercise. Being a physical therapist fit what I loved doing- sports, exercise and learning about the..

Relevance: 6.7664638
"Everyone has a story, a lesson to teach and some wisdom to share". I knew from even before my days of studying Graphic Design in Toronto, that I wanted to include the human element in my work. I didn't want to be in front of a Mac churning out..

Relevance: 6.7662206
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In 2002 I decided i no longer wanted to be the way i was (out of shape, unhealthy, overweight, and tired). i did Something about it! I changed COMPLETELY! i Started on a Journey, eating well and exercising, And in 12 weeks i had lost an impressive 40..

Relevance: 6.765515
After I entered the job force at 18, I had money problems for quite a number of years. I earned a decent income, but I lived paycheck to paycheck and just felt like I would never get ahead financially. One day, determined to get ahead, I decided to..

Relevance: 6.765473
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My creative story begins when I was a child. Surrounded by crafty women my entire life, I grew up crafting. From knitting, crocheting, spinning and weaving to macrame, woodworking, and jewelry making , I have done many different crafts over the..

Relevance: 6.7651076
Hi there! I am excited to tell you more about myself. I was raised in a small farm town outside of Reno, NV called Fernley. We had a 2-acre farm with many animals. My mom is a veterinary technician and loves horses. I have been riding horses since I..

Relevance: 6.7650194
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If you had asked me this question 5 years ago, I would have said; I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. However, that doesn't quite define who I am. It only highlights a few of the numerous roles I play... I have risen above the many..

Relevance: 6.7645373