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151-180 of 6,302,189 results

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Liberty Baptist Church is a community of evangelical followers of Jesus Christ aiming to be the body of Christ described in Ephesians 4:11-16... We believe that the church is designed by God with the structure and elements that help Christians..

Relevance: 37.660202
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If you do not have a Church home, or you are looking for where God would have you to serve, we invite you to join us at Orange Avenue Baptist Church... The Church Where Everybody Is Somebody Jesus Christ Is LORD!!!..

Relevance: 37.652504
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We believe the mission of the church is clearly articulated in scripture. We exist to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit for the gathering in and building up of the Body of Christ to the full stature of Christ, to the..

Relevance: 37.650524
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We are a church that loves worshipping God through Jesus Christ. Because we believe that God has revealed himself through his written Word, we cherish the incremental, section-by-section teaching of the Bible, and place it at the heart of our weekly..

Relevance: 37.62794
Revolution Church launched on January 24th, 2010, with a mission to start a revolution of grace in one life at a time! We strive to present the timeless message of Jesus Christ in a clear and fresh way. Although our approach to church is anything but..

Relevance: 37.62502
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*We provide discounts to charities, non-profits, projects that support good causes, students and those that are hard on their luck and need a hand... As a body of believers, we uphold the centrality and exclusivity of the gospel. We believe that..

Relevance: 37.608673
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At True Christ Outreach Ministries, we believe in the true and living God. We believe that Christ is the head of the church and He gave the church His promise of perpetuity and blessings. "And he is the head of the body, the church; who is the..

Relevance: 37.560402
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2. We believe in Jesus; and we confess that He is who He claimed to be: the Lord, the Son of God. (Romans 10:9-10)... There are lots of great churches in Elizabethtown. At First Christian, we honor biblical authority. Whether you're an adult or a..

Relevance: 37.553493
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Faith Bible Church is dedicated to proclaiming and teaching the Scriptures. We believe that the Bible is God's inspired and inerrant Word. Scripture is our authority for both doctrine (what we believe) and practice (how we live)... Welcome to the..

Relevance: 37.546772
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This survey lists many of the activities and committees at OVPC. We are a small church with a small staff, and we depend on our members and friends to aid with the functions in the life of the church... The Ocean View Presbyterian Church is a..

Relevance: 37.543022
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Welcome to Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Tyler, TX! We are a community of people who find our identity and source in Jesus Christ. We want to see all people experience the grace of God through true Life found only in Jesus Christ!..

Relevance: 37.542255
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At GMCBC we believe that it is important to put God first in both your heart and your wallet. Your generosity not only shows loving obedience to God, but also supports the mission of leading others into a life changing relationship with Jesus..

Relevance: 37.52666
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We believe in God as revealed through his Son Jesus Christ, the Scriptures and the work of the Holy Spirit... We are a combined Methodist and United Reformed Church in East Dulwich (Barry Road, just off Lordship Lane)...

Relevance: 37.50676
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We here at the Full Gospel Sons Church of God, Inc. Founder: Jesus Christ and Pastor JoVah..

Relevance: 37.476227
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The Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. is an Apostolic organization whose roots can be traced back to the day of Pentecost. In a time when so many churches are bowing to the pressures of society, the Progressive Church of Our Lord..

Relevance: 37.463303
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We are committed at First Baptist Church of Auburn to verse-by-verse expository preaching of the Word of God. We preach through books of the Bible regularly because we want to be faithfully proclaiming the counsel of God, to the people of God, for..

Relevance: 37.435196
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The First Presbyterian Church of Sisseton exists to glorify God in Jesus Christ through worship, education, ministry and mission...

Relevance: 37.412655
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Church of the Valley - Apple Valley is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use..

Relevance: 37.410004
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We believe in the one ever-living, eternal God: infinite in power, holy in nature; and possessing absolute, invisible deity. This eternal God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with distinct personal attributes, but without..

Relevance: 37.386852
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Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church is a family of faith inspiring people to find and follow Jesus... At Liberty Corner Church, we gather as the people of God, grow more like Jesus Christ, and go out into the world to share the good news...

Relevance: 37.37387
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Bethel Baptist church is an evangelical church in Upper Hale, Farnham. We are an active church with lots going on for adults, youth and children and we are committed to our communities in Hale and Sandy Hill. On Sunday mornings we all meet together..

Relevance: 37.36563
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God made beautiful promises to the 144,000 redeemed of Israel (currently in deep rebellion, but soon will repent and mourn for killing their Savior) during the Revelation of Jesus The Christ... Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS. God hates fags..

Relevance: 37.358574
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Valley Christian Church is a neighborhood church that strives to be intellectually challenging, emotionally stimulating and spiritually nourishing. There are many opportunities for adult members as well as visitors to learn more about their faith in..

Relevance: 37.35138
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We are an evangelical Baptist church who believes the Bible was inspired by God and reveals His plan to bring everyone into a living relationship with Himself. This is possible through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who through his death and..

Relevance: 37.349926
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Englewood Baptist Church is a group of believers in Jesus Christ who are committed to Him and His Word. We come from a variety of backgrounds. We have singles, young adults, families with young children, empty nesters, and retirees... Our purpose as..

Relevance: 37.344746
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The heart of Grace Church is the message of grace-the unearned, undeserved love and forgiveness that Jesus offers to each of us. The gospel of Jesus Christ is at the core of everything we do. We believe that through Jesus' death and resurrection, we..

Relevance: 37.343716
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The Mission of Zion United Methodist Church is to make, mature, and mobilize disciples for Jesus Christ. We are a community of people committed to Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, united in the love of God, and called to make that love..

Relevance: 37.325226
New Life Apostolic Church is a church whose priority is not "programs," but a concern to reach lost souls. From this desire to reach the lost, we have seen God move tremendously. We would like for you to visit us soon and let us share God's love with..

Relevance: 37.324368
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As one part of the Body of Christ, we seek to lead unbelievers to a right relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and to nurture believers in discipleship. To that end, Computers4Christians maintains a modern, fast, born again Christian Linux..

Relevance: 37.323753
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Following the 'call' of Jesus the Christ, we the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, dedicate ourselves to the mission of collaboratively providing and promoting a healthy Christian environment for worship, education, and service to..

Relevance: 37.294952