Updated 15 days ago
2222-24 Barhamville Road Columbia, SC 29204
The Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. is an Apostolic organization whose roots can be traced back to the day of Pentecost. In a time when so many churches are bowing to the pressures of society, the Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ is committed to preaching and teaching the Apostolic Doctrine without compromise. We believe in water baptism by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, reception of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues, and living a holy and sanctified life, according to the teachings of the Word of God. We are striving to face today's challenges through the Word of God. Our ultimate goal is to prepare souls to spend eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ... God, in His eternal purpose of salvation, has been pleased to use human agency in the revealing, communicating, and carrying out of His will (human instrumentality). We believe that it is according to Apostolic Doctrine that confession be made to the pastor (Matt. 16:19,..
Also known as: Progressive Church, Progressive Church Sumter SC