Updated 2 days ago
110 Snell Hall Corvallis, OR 97331
The DIVE4Ag project brought Pacific Northwest middle and high school youth opportunities to explore topics in agriculture through virtual reality and other online activities. Together, Oregon State University's Precollege Programs and OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development Program led the effort with community partners to implement an innovative Agriculture Distance Education Toolkit... We provide immersive experiences for middle and high school Pacific Northwest youth and educators to explore agriculture, including virtual reality and online activities that they help create. Experiences range from half-hour interactive agriculture activities starting now to a virtual challenge event closing the project next year... We hope to help everyone involved in our project - educators, students, and trained volunteers - build relevant agriculture knowledge and skills through activities exploring different kinds of agricultural practices with a "farm to table" approach. We also want to equip..
Also known as: Distant, Immersive, Virtual Education, Oregon State University
Associated domains: dive4ag.oregonstate.edu