Updated 144 days ago
200 East Campus View Blvd. Suite 200 Columbus, Ohio, 43235
First Response Health & Safety Training is a family owned health and safety training company that provides exceptional training for healthcare professionals, nursing programs, childcare staff and businesses statewide... We are proud to announce that we will be rebranding in the coming months and launching First Response Health & Safety Training. This transition will take effect July 1 st, 2024. We are working diligently with the necessary parties to ensure there is no interruption in your certifications, licensing, and paperwork. There is no action needed on your part as this transition takes place... We want to emphasize that we are the same company. The ownership group, the staff and the instructors are the same. We have not merged with another company or sold our business. Our goal has always been to provide the best training and meet the needs of our clients. As we continue to grow, we have simply outgrown the central Ohio region. First Response Health & Safety Training will..
Also known as: First Response HST
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