Updated 117 days ago
2102 Main St. Woodward, OK 73801
It started with William Warren in 1970 when he purchased Harris Refrigeration and formed Modern Appliance. Tom and Mary Hunter took over the business in 1980 and now, Matt and Jennifer Thompson are the proprietors. Over the years, the store has seen advances in technology, changes in regulations, ups and downs in the economy. One thing remains the same. Honesty and integrity are at the core of our values. And when you shop here, you are shopping with your neighbors. You will see that in how we do business... Warren's Modern Appliance is a family owned Appliances, TVs, refrigerator, washer, dishwasher, range, dryer store located in Woodward, OK. We offer the best in home Appliances, TVs, refrigerator, washer, dishwasher, range, dryer at great prices... Our team know all about the new features that are out there to make life easier and make your friends jealous. They can help you to decide which model makes sense for your life and your family. In the end, you'll feel confident you have..