Updated 643 days ago
177 Huntington Ave, Ste 1703 PMB 78505 Boston, MA 02115-3153
We're a Certified B Corporation, which means Help Scout is accountable to inclusive, sustainable business practices. We've also committed 1% of our equity to corporate philanthropy via Pledge 1%. If your organization is making an impact, we'd love to help!...
Today Help Scout is used by customer-centric organizations around the world, from small businesses to high-growth startups and non-profits. We've been on this journey for several years now, but in many ways it still feels like early days. The way we see it, doing right by customers will never go out of style, and we intend to be around for as long as people value that way of doing business...
Help Scout is as easy to use as an email inbox, so your whole team can focus on what really matters: customer relationships.