Updated 26 days ago
Steinberg 12 82069 Hohenschäftlarn Germany
Our market leadership is based on thorough and professional industry knowledge, dependability, transparency and our focus on promoting excellence and rigorous standards in our recruitment practice. Hardenberg Consulting is a service provider for both clients and candidates...
Based in Germany, near Munich, and managed by its founder Dr. Felix von Hardenberg, Hardenberg Consulting is run by a dedicated team of consultants and veterinarians specialized in providing recruitment services for clients from the animal health, veterinary medicine and agricultural sector...
Hardenberg Consulting GmbH is a leading international recruitment consultancy specializing in the recruitment of executives and specialists in the field of veterinary medicine, animal health and agriculture.
Also known as: Hardenberg Consulting GmbH
Registration numbers: HRB 219635 (W)
VAT numbers: DE 301017956