Updated 14 days ago
- Age: 13 years
- ID: 52876393/10
Tarrahane Novin Rahkar (ASEC) Company was established in 2012 with years of experience in the field of engineering solutions and safety and protection systems Tarrahane Novin Rahkar (ASEC), the exclusive representative of Polon-Alfa (Poland) in fire alarm systems, FireAngel (UK) in wireless fire alarm system, KaDe (Poland) in access control and NOVUS (Poland) in video surveillance systems and video doorphone , Elotec (Norway) in aspiration smoke detection systems... Tarrahane Novin Rahkar Company (ASEC) was established in 2014 with years of experience in the field of engineering solutions in safety & and security systems. ASEC is the exclusive representative of Polon-Alfa brand from Poland and FireAngel brand from England in the field of fire alarm systems. ASEC is representative of KADE brand from Poland in field of access control and NOVUS brand from Poland in field of video surveillance systems. ASEC is representative of MSR brands from Germany; MSR-Traffic in field of Parking..