Updated 917 days ago
13915 Radium St NW Ramsey, MN 55303
In line with Global Glove's mission to constantly provide innovation and growth to our distributors and end users, Bullhead Safety has expanded beyond eye protection to include head protection, hearing protection, and cooling products. In 2018, Bullhead Safety made an industry breakthrough when the very-first arc flash rated safety eyewear was introduced. This helped the company usher into a whole new market, providing protection for electricians and workers in environments with arc flash hazards... Grounded in the belief that safety is the highest priority, today's safety equipment manufacturer must also factor in a worker's need for self-expression and social identity on the job. High-end, comfort-fit designs in a variety of colors and styles from Bullhead Safety meet the needs of workers to express themselves while ensuring they conform to PPE standards. By providing high-end protection at low-end prices, Bullhead Safety works with distributors to help end users improve employee..