Updated 238 days ago
- Age: 9 years
- ID: 52761998/1
We provide consulting services, business development, tools, resources and support services to professionals, entrepreneurs and existing business owners wanting to provide a critical service to older adults... Age Safe America, LLC has diligently protected its brand by acquiring multiple USPTO registered trademarks and a massive portfolio of relevant domains in several countries. After the impact of COVID-19, Age Safe® negotiated a licensing agreement for Age Safe® Canada with a respected healthcare organization based in Toronto to propel the Age Safe® vision throughout all Canadian provinces and territories. Currently the company is targeting four other countries for further international expansion, and considering equity partnerships with like-minded teams to help exploit our intellectual property, and advance the development of Age Safe® consumer products and services... Approximately one-third of adults age 65 years or older fall in their home each year, resulting in injury,..
Also known as: Age Safe America, LLC