Updated 41 days ago
13517 Motters Station Road, Rocky Ridge, MD 21778
On August 20, 1837, Daniel P. Sayler was baptized in the Beaver Dam Church. On September 30, 1840, he was elected to the ministry in the Beaver Dam Church and on May 7, 1850 he was ordained as an Elder...
In 1853, an annual meeting was held at the Beaver Dam Church. At the close of the meeting, with all matters attended to, it was noted that the church treasury had a surplus of $100.00. This matter was disposed of in a most expeditious manner, for the assembly agreed to use this money towards erecting a new church at Rocky Ridge...
On December 3, 1855, the Monocacy Church was organized (from the Beaver Dam Congregation) with Elder D.P. Sayler in charge, and Daniel Boyer as the helper minister. In 1856, the church building was extended 25 feet to the west, with the new part containing a basement.