Updated 2 days ago
475 Hyatt's Mills, Compton (Qc) Canada, J0B 1L0
Stores and customers began demanding a certification for our organic produce. We participated in a trial certification program in Vermont before any certification program existed in Canada. Sanders farm was the first certified organic farm in Quebec. We worked with other farmers in the Townships to establish a certification program called OCIA (Organic Crop Improvement Association), which became an important international certification pioneer. At one point our practice of the biodynamic method led us to the Demeter certification. We are now certified by Ecocert Canada... Soon, marketing produce became the challenge, as the demand for organic food was slow to develop in Quebec. We have always continued to sell our produce locally, but eventually through an organic farmer's co-op based in Vermont, we began to ship a lot of our vegetables to Boston and New York where the demand was stronger... Today 40 years and 4 children later, we have a viable organic farm producing healthy food 52..