Updated 12 days ago
We are an Australian based Mainframe consultancy company. We are technical experts with over decades of experience in IBM System z mainframes and z/OS. We have been providing mainframe consulting and services since 1996...
We believe we are some of the last 'old fashioned' mainframe technical people left. We know unfashionable skills such as Assembler programming and dump reading. We understand the Mainframe market, and have experience working on many different mainframe environments for many different clients. We have experience in all Mainframe areas, including capacity planning, security audit and Mainframe management...
We pride ourselves on being computing professionals. If we make a commitment, we keep it. If we start something, we finish it. If we say something, we believe it. We will respect our client's confidentiality. All of our business will be conducted to the highest ethical levels.
Registration numbers: 55 072 652 147 (W)
Associated domains: longpelaexpertise.com