CO11AB NOVENA - History of Changes

2025-02-27 delete person Imran Bin MARJUKI
2025-02-27 insert associated_investor EDB Investments
2025-02-27 insert person William LIM
2025-02-27 update person_description Ms Irene Cheong => Ms Irene Cheong
2025-02-27 update person_description Prof Benjamin SEET => Prof Benjamin SEET
2025-02-27 update person_title Louis ANG: Member of the Executive Committee; Director, Group Research; Director of Group Research at National Healthcare Group => Member of the Executive Committee; Director, Group Research and Innovation; Director of Group Research and Innovation at National Healthcare Group
2025-01-26 insert chairman Prof Benjamin SEET
2025-01-26 insert partner SG Diagnostics
2025-01-26 insert person Xin Yue POH
2025-01-26 update person_description Arif FAHIM => Arif Fahim
2025-01-26 update person_title Prof Benjamin SEET: Member of the Steering Committee; Deputy Group CEO; Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer, Education & Research => Member of the Steering Committee; Group Chairman; Group Chairman Medical Board ( Research ), National Healthcare Group
2024-10-21 delete phone +65 6513 6058
2024-10-21 insert phone +65 6904 1401
2024-06-13 delete source_ip
2024-06-13 insert person Doreen CHAI
2024-06-13 insert source_ip
2024-06-13 update person_title Frank CHOO: Centre Manager => Manager, Finance & Operations; Manager, Partnerships & Outreach
2024-06-13 update person_title Imran Bin MARJUKI: Manager ( Safety & Facilities Operation ) => Manager, Safety & Facilities
2024-03-16 delete person Dr Ervinna PANG
2023-08-26 update person_title Prof Tan Sze Wee: Executive; Adjunct Professor at Nanyang Technological University 's Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine; Member of the Steering Committee; Assistant Chief; Assistant Chief Executive of a STAR 's Innovation => Assistant Chief Executive of a STAR 's Biomedical Research Council; Member of the Board; Member of the Steering Committee; Professor; Assistant Chief Executive, Biomedical Research Council ( BMRC ) and Senior Advisor, Innovation and Enterprise ( I & E ) Group, a STAR