Updated 561 days ago
AAS serves thousands of property owners across the Greater East Bay Area by helping manage their parking lots. Most parking issues can be resolved with active monitoring and selective towing. By managing the parking, you increase the value of the property and increase the happiness of your tenants. We look forward to working with you to develop a customized plan to improve your parking situation...
Our enthusiastic, experienced, and dedicated staff are always ready to provide quick, courteous, and quality service to you, our valued customers. We look forward to serving you...
• We provide you with a Client Log in giving you full access 24/7 which allows you to view all actions done on the property anywhere with a just a click away. View any vehicles that are removed from your property, accompanied with the time-stamped pictures, you can also search for specific violations or vehicle information for repeat offenders, sign/authorize for vehicle removals, organize permits and more!
Also known as: Advanced Auto Services