Ajay Nachiappan

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Research Assistant

Alex Plumadore

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Research Assistant
Alex started working under Dr. Lucht in 2021 and is a PhD student in ME. He completed his bachelor's degree in Physics and Computer Physics in 2021 at Illinois State University and came to Purdue to pursue spectroscopy research. His current research focus is a NASA ULI project developing sensors for control systems on hypersonic aircraft.

Ben Murdock

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Research Assistant
Ben started working under Professor Lucht in 2022 as a Master's student in ME. His bachelor's degree is in Mechanical Engineering from Kansas State University. Ben came to Purdue to focus on combustion research and his current project focuses on nanosecond dual-pump coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering.

Dr. Aman Satija

Job Titles:
  • Research Engineer
Dr. Satija's research is focused on developing laser based techniques and tools for performing measurements in reacting flows and plasmas. He has applied several linear and non-linear spectroscopic and imaging techniques towards studying laminar and turbulent flame combustion at atmospheric pressure. These techniques are used to measure scalar and vector quantities such as temperature, species concentration and velocity. A deeper understanding of combustion can lead to a more efficient design of engines, furnaces while simultaneously reducing emissions injurious to health and environment. Education B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Army Institute of Technology, Pune University, 2002 M.S. Aerospace Engineering, Auburn University, 2007 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 2013

Mark Frederick

Neil Rodrigues

Tobi Busari