GPSA - Key Persons
Job Titles:
- CEO BA ( Hons ), MBA ( Int ), MComm
Having worked with GPSA in education and research since 2020, Carla stepped into the role of CEO in May 2022 with sound knowledge of the GP training context coupled with vast amounts of curiosity and enthusiasm.
Carla is a problem-solver, strategist and marketing professional with a strong administrative and networking background.
For twenty years she headed a highly successful group of companies in the retail and hospitality sectors, creating a brand well recognised across Australia for providing mainstream-quality cafés and retail precincts in many of the country's major teaching hospitals. To this end, not unlike privately-owned general practices and the contractor GPs who underpin our primary health system, she became an expert in navigating the tensions between private sector flexibility and public sector regulation.
Job Titles:
- Director
- Director MBBS, FRACGP
Columbine is a GP based in Hobart Tasmania and achieved her Fellowship into RACGP in 2012.
Since this time Columbine has enjoyed multiple roles, including as a GP supervisor and medical educator. Columbine has been running her own practice for 2 years and is pleased to have 2 registrars with her now. She has found it a most rewarding experience both teaching the registrars and learning from the registrars. Columbine has found the resources and support from GPSA to be invaluable.
Columbine is currently also involved in a pilot project providing after hours care and clinics to homeless and displaced people in Southern Tasmania and she is part of the Future Leaders program being run by RACGP.
Columbine was awarded the RACGP Tasmanian GP of the year in June 2018.
Job Titles:
- Director
- General Practitioner
Frank has been a General Practitioner for 28 years and is a partner in Christies Beach Medical Centre, a privately owned General Practice of over 50 years history.
Frank has been involved as a Supervisor of Students, Interns, RMO's and General Practice Registrars for over 15 Years. Frank is a SLO for GPEx and has roles on various committees within GPEx. He has had previous board experience with the Southern Division of General Practice. Frank has recently taken on a role as an AHPRA Performance Assessor. Mentoring and training future Doctors has always been what Frank has seen as a core component of quality General Practice.
Job Titles:
- Director
Gerard was a GP supervisor for 25 years and was a part owner of a large general practice in Sandringham, Victoria. Having retired from consulting practice in February 2022, he will continue as a Supervisor Liaison Officer and ME with EVGPT until the transition to the Colleges. He has worked hard as an SLO and GPSA Board member to unite city and country GP supervisors in pursuit of their common goal of quality general practice training. Gerard is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and brings a wealth of governance experience to the Board.
Job Titles:
- Director
Justin Coleman is a GP in Brisbane and the Northern Territory. He has supervised approximately 60 GP Registrars over the past 25 years in Victoria, Qld and the NT. For the past decade he has educated many hundreds of GP Supervisors around Australia, particularly in the NT. Justin was President of the Australasian Medical Writers Association for five years and a board member for ten.
Justin edits medical text books and journals, and has published 1,500 articles and numerous podcasts.
Job Titles:
- Deputy Chair
- Deputy Chair MBBS, FRACGP
Kevin is a longstanding GP in Townsville and has been involved in medical education from soon after receiving his degree and subsequent Fellowship. Kevin was an Area Regional Coordinator for the RACGP early in his career when the RACGP still controlled education of our Registrars and has been a GP Supervisor for over 25 years.
Kevin has been involved at a governance level with RACGP, Divisions of General Practice, Medicare Locals, Hospital and Health Services etc over the years, bringing significant corporate governance experience to the role. He has attained Fellowship of the Australian Institute of Company Directors as well. Kevin is passionate about Medical Education and usually supervises 2-3 GP Registrars as well as doing ECT Visits, giving lectures etc.
Job Titles:
- Director
- Director MBBS, FRACGP
Dr Madhu Tamilarasan lives and practices in Lithgow, a country town in Central West NSW, as a partner in a privately owned general practice which offers office based, hospital VMO and procedural GP training. Madhu has been the main supervisor for the practice since 2010, supervising countless registrars in that time and providing many former registrars and medical students with mentoring and support long after they leave her practice.
She believes GP supervisors are the cornerstone of GP training and that GP supervisors must be appropriately supported. In addition to her experience as a GP supervisor she has been heavily involved in GP training as the Director of Training for a previous regional training provider, Beyond Medical Education, in Western NSW from 2011 - 2015. Madhu has an in depth understanding of the industry and the nuanced interfaces between supervisors, registrars, RTOs, the colleges and government.
Job Titles:
- Chairman
- Board Member of the Queensland Faculty of RACGP
- Chairman MBBS, FRACGP
Nicole is a GP supervisor from Mackay in North Queensland and believes supervisors are the cornerstone of GP education.
Currently a medical educator for RVTS (previously Tropical Medical Training for Supervisor Education and Support), Nicole has been a GP supervisor for 13 years. She was TMT's 2014 Supervisor of the Year in recognition of her passion for mentoring future GPs.
Nicole is a board member of the Queensland Faculty of RACGP and well-known to GPSA members as a webinar presenter and co-developer of the in-practice teaching resources freely available from the GPSA website.
Job Titles:
- Coordinator, Research and Evaluation
Job Titles:
- Communications Coordinator
Job Titles:
- Administration Officer Governance
Job Titles:
- Coordinator, Member Services & Special Projects
Job Titles:
- Director
- FARM Chair
- Finance and Administration Manager at Blackburn Clinic
Leonie has been the Finance and Administration Manager at Blackburn Clinic, a training practice in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne since 2001.
Leonie has a great interest in developing the education of Registrars. She is passionate about ensuring Registrars not only receive great clinical training but that they are also prepared to enter the world of General Practice as educated and informed business people. Leonie has presented to registrars at both MCCC and EVGPT workshops and has also regularly presented to Practice Managers on issues including the NTCER, recruitment and business development.
In 2015, Leonie was presented with the inaugural VMA Practice Manager of the Year Award, something that she is extremely proud of.
Prior to her time at Blackburn Clinic, Leonie worked in KPMG's Melbourne office in both taxation and Middle Market Advisory divisions.
Away from work, Leonie is married with 2 adult children and 2 very pampered dogs.