Updated 13 days ago
Iuliu Maniu 24 / 4, Cluj-Napoca 400095, Romania
Salvus Charity is based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and is registered in the NGO National Register of the Ministry of Justice under no. 22755/A/2017 and in the Associations and Foundations' Register (Cluj-Napoca Municipal Court) under no. 51/2017, CIF 37090533...
Salvus Charity is a non-profit legal person, a non-governmental organization independent of political parties, state organisms and other such entities. Salvus Charity carries out its activity according to the legislation in force, its memorandum of association and its statute...
Salvus Charity, founded by Dragos Cristian Mihalte, began operating on the 24th of November 2016. Its objective is a charitable one, supporting persons and communities in need by providing the material goods required for a decent standard of living.
Registration numbers: 22755/A/2017 (W), CIF 37090533 (W)