Claire Lee

Job Titles:
  • Director and Search Partner
  • Specialist Mining and Engineering HR
Claire is a specialist mining and engineering HR consultant with over 15 years' experience delivering talent resource solutions to the international mining industry. With practice of recruiting for a range of roles on some of the world's largest resource projects, Claire is an expert establishing and maintaining robust talent pipelines working with same clients and candidates for many years.

Jean-Maurice Mamet

Job Titles:
  • Director
Jean-Maurice, has over 13 years site-based, corporate and consulting management experience in the international mining industry. With practice in recruiting both externally and internally, he managed recruitment activities of mines in Africa and Australia, and worked on ramp up schedules with HR departments to determine recruitment strategies for upcoming operations and projects. As well as working for specialist recruitment agencies, Jean-Maurice has been holding senior management positions with industry leaders including Rio Tinto, African Minerals, Alufer Mining and Endeavour Mining.