Updated 556 days ago
795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA
Our research strategy draws on qualitative social research and cultural analysis to better understand the ways in which people make sense of a changing world in terms of (elements of) cultures of rejection. Studying cultures of rejection thus amounts to the examination of sociocultural tactics, or what de Certeau called the "arts of doing" that people adopt in their "practice of everyday life"... Experiences of transformation and crisis take place in everyday social relations outside the workplace and can affect patterns of consumption, mobility, care work, leisure activities, or voluntary work. Therefore, we also investigate the emergence, negotiation and contestation of cultures of rejection in larger socio-spatial environments. Following the method of mental mapping (Gieseking 2013), participants identify spaces and places relevant to their economic, political and socio-cultural reproduction by drawing a geographical map, and from there we identify two environments for study in..