POLYMATHED - Key Persons

Bohdan Durnota

Job Titles:
  • Principal
Bohdan has been interested in learning and education, both for others and his own, over a number of decades. PolymathEd is a way for him to help engender the curious and open minded to widen their innerstanding of various topics, but having a focal core in mathematics, science and technology. Bohdan has helped create, launch and nurture innovative ideas, products and ventures into marketplaces to see successful growth. He has worked in strong teams, as well as a coach and mentor. He has been especially interested in (b)leading edge ideas from research factories (universities, research agencies, etc) that can be applied in novel ways to solve contemporary problems or create new insights or opportunities. He used experience blended from academia and industry. His initial background in mathematics and computer science was nurtured work in operations research, systems architecture and project management, rounded out with business development, strategy, entrepreneurship. His specialty interests lay in complex problem solving and project/product management; a very broad background cthat an bring ideas from many disciplines to bear to solve application problems; working in multidisciplinary and integrative teams and projects; technical leadership; and business development.