Updated 95 days ago
- Age: 16 years
- ID: 50770328/21
Instituti NOMAD LLC is a private management training and research company based in Prishtina, Kosovo. The acronym "NOMAD" stems from the Albanian expression "Nxënia Organizative Me Aktivitet Ditor," translating to "Learning Organization with Daily Activity." Our primary objective is to foster a culture of organization at both individual and community levels, particularly focusing on advancing organizational capacities in Kosovo... Through our Management Consultancy services, we assist organizations and institutions in effectively addressing their organizational issues and challenges... Instituti NOMAD' LLC is private, management training and research company founded in Prishtina, Kosovo. NOMAD comes as acronym from Albanian expression: Learning Organization with Daily Activity (Nxënia Organizative Me Aktivitet Ditor). Instituti NOMAD has three core units: Management Training, Research and Consultancy. These are supported by publications, organization of events, and internal R & D..