Updated 88 days ago
Plaza 58 Muthithi Road Nairobi, Kenya
Evrotrust Technologies is a Qualified Trust Service Provider, registered in the Trust List of the EU. As an innovative RegTech company, it has developed state-of-the art technologies and trust services for remote electronic identification, qualified e-signatures, qualified e-seals, qualified registered email, qualified time-stamps and qualified preservation, and others, compliant with eIDAS and certified for all applicable EU and international standards. It is servicing many international banking groups, insurance and leasing companies, telecoms and governments. The solution is accredited and supervised by the Communications Authority of Kenya. Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook... Evrotrust Technologies is an EU trust service provider aiming at creation of an ecosystem of digital identities and trust services for transforming businesses and everyday life of people. No need of physical presence and paper would be needed anymore. Entering this new world is just one click away, right..
Also known as: Evrotrust Technologies