Updated 15 days ago
Tvisha aims to help underprivileged families who have lost their primary bread winners with financial and logistics support. Tvisha was created primarily in response to our dear friend Manish Singh, losing his battle with cancer in the year 2021. His warm, larger than life presence created as big an absence and there was no better way to fill it than by helping others who had suffered loss like we had. We had stood by him the best we could and continue to stand with his family. And we strive to stand with as many such families as we can - we know we cannot fill their emotional void, but we would certainly like to help provide them financial aid as those who have been left behind take time gathering courage and skill to stand on their own feet... Tvisha Foundation is a non-profit working for the upliftment and empowerment of marginalized classes by providing direct support to beneficiaries, as well as, hand-holding and enabling partner organizations working at the grassroots level..
Also known as: Tvisha Foundation