Updated 1100 days ago
201-3151 27 St NE Calgary, AB, Canada T1Y 0B4
CoviAro™ is a State-Of-The-Art mobile application that is designed to connect Covid-19 patients with their healthcare team.CoviAro™ allows Covid-19 patients to share Vitals such as BP, HR, Resp rate, Temp, O2 Sats and Symptoms to their healthcare team. CoviAro's Advanced Health Monitoring tool allows healthcare professionals to triage Covid-19 patients without increasing their risk...
CardiAI™ is harnessing the benefits of electrochemical sensing technology in the development of a point of care device that can detect COVID 19 infection at early stages. CardiAI™'s COVID 19 diagnostic kit (CoviAro Test Kit) includes two major components 1) Test strip and 2) Handheld reader...
CoviAro™ Mobile Application is an all-in-one access and engagement platform for forward-thinking healthcare organizations. Skip the waiting room! Instantly connect with doctors for medical care from your phone, tablet or computer - any time, 24/7.
Also known as: CoviAro