COWORK REHO - Key Persons
Jared is a forward thinker with an unbroken string of admirable achievements. He is the force and vision holder behind CoWork Reho.
As a Sussex County native who spent an abundance of time at the beach, Jared would dream of the day when the Delaware beaches would become less seasonal and offer more to those who call the area home year round.
Several years back, Jared bought a little condo in downtown Rehoboth. Every morning he would jog past the space where CoWork Reho is now situated. The space sat empty for over 10 years. In January 2020 it went to auction and Jared knew he needed to purchase it.
Jared attributes his success to the Lord and thanks Him for the endless ways He provided in getting this project to the finish line. Jared also thanks the City of Rehoboth for working with him to make CoWork Reho a possibility.
Jared is a full-time real estate agent. When he is not listing, selling and finding his clients beautiful homes, his time is spent traveling and adventure seeking. He still jogs past the once vacant building on the boardwalk… only now it is filled with an unbeatable community.