Updated 934 days ago
One New Change, London, EC4M 9AF
At RHR, we believe leadership is a noble endeavor. Done well, it is a force for good in the world. Our mission is to unlock the potential in all leaders... RHR International strives for its employees to feel inspired, connected, and authentic in the workplace. We believe in the intrinsic value of all people and their potential to have an extraordinary impact. To do this, we create and maintain a culture that allows us to engage honestly and authentically, to elevate our global and cultural fluency, and to question our own perspective... As a business, RHR International is a disruptive force for combating barriers that inhibit the retention and advancement of the best leadership talent. Our clients trust us to undertake the difficult conversations that challenge the assumptions and biases getting in the way of their success. We leverage our insight, our values, and our depth of experience to work with our business partners to build inclusive cultures and to dismantle organizational..
Associated domains: managementpsychologists.org, rhrinternational.net, rhrinternational.org.uk