Updated 880 days ago
Congenital heart disease is the most common birth defect in humans, affecting 1 in 100 newborns. In Germany, over 4200 children undergo lifesaving open heart surgery each year, of which over 60% need surgery in the first year of life. Advances in cardiovascular medicine and surgery have led to a steep decline in mortality in Western Europe in the past three decennia. Improved survival leads to new challenges: Children with the most severe heart defects need close medical surveillance and therefore stay in hospital for several weeks, months, or even years. This prolonged hospitalization is associated with significant costs for health insurances, hospitals, as well as a high emotional burden for affected children and their families. In order to improve care for these vulnerable patients, we are developing a remote patient monitoring app called DAGI, facilitating earlier discharge and ensuring medical surveillance at home. The DAGI app is tailored to the specific needs of patients with..