Updated 8 days ago
Temporary strainers in the industrial industry are straining device that captures particles while allowing fluid or gas to pass through. The keyword is a temporary strainer, which is that it is temporary. The temporary strainer is put in the system on startup to protect the piping system from the damage of debris that you may trap in the piping system. For example, during the construction of a plant or facility, welding slag, nails, rocks, critters like mice, and even snakes can be captured in the piping system. The piping system is the artery and veins of the process. The pipes transfer fluids, gas, or steam to run a process. The temporary strainer is there to catch the debris and protect turbines, pumps, valves, and other significant pieces of equipment. This includes temporary strainers, which can be defined are designed for temporary installation during the commissioning of new pipelines and flushing pipelines after modifications and typically removed once the system has been..