Updated 682 days ago
And before you think of any miso soup jokes (trust me, I've heard it all), my name actually means smile in Korean :) With this, I hope you have a little smile on your face while I share with you my story... Being a flight attendant for almost a decade, I got to travel and see the world through different lenses, experience cultures, and observe people and their unique ways of solving problems. And when given problems to resolve at 35,000 feet in the air with limited resources and all sorts of constraints, I developed creative ways to come up with solutions that empowered customers and enhanced their travel journey. These experiences and challenges allowed me to become the designer that I am today, still evolving and growing - but staying true to putting people in the start and center of the designing process... I'm a product designer based in Los Angeles. Whether I'm 35k feet in the air or on ground with pen paper, I solve real-world problems for people. Through my decade experience..