LEGION - Key Persons

Alexandra Nemery

Job Titles:
  • Senior UX Designer
Former UX designer at Ubisoft and UI/UX lead at SquareEnix Montreal, Alexandra has 12 years of experience in software, mobile, web and video game development. She's passionated about providing the best experience for users. She also cares about innovation and accessibility.

Alexandre Ganea

Job Titles:
  • Senior Staff Programmer
Proud of his 24 years of experience in the industry, passionate about programming for more than 33 years, Alexandre worked on a wide range of consoles and hardware platforms since the C64. The productivity of content creation pipelines is one of his main objectives. He's also interested in programming languages and is a regular LLVM contributor.

Anthony Demange

Job Titles:
  • Online Programmer
With 8+ years of experience as a generalist programmer at Borealys Games and as an online programmer at Ubisoft, Anthony is passionate about building innovative backends and cloud technologies.

Florence Cloutier

Job Titles:
  • Intern Programmer
Having just completed her 3rd year in Computer Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal, Florence is curious and eager to learn. She is passionate about math and applies her passion by working on the animation system.

Francois Royer

Job Titles:
  • Technical Artist
20+ years of game production experience, François contributed to a variety of major titles such as Prince of Persia, FarCry & Assassin's Creed, passionate about game development & technology.

François Pelland - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Co - Founder
Previously Sr. Executive Producer at Google, François is a serial AAA blockbuster game producer for franchises such as Splinter Cell, Assassin Creed for more than 20 years. He also led the development of Ubisoft's subscription service Ubisoft+.

Frédéric Joanis

Job Titles:
  • Senior Staff Systems Programmer
In the video game industry since 2011 as a programmer, lead and technical director at Ubisoft, Eidos, Phoenix Labs. Shipped the 3 Tomb Raider in the survivor trilogy. Passionnate about game development, Rust, game engines, and content creators happiness.

Jalal El Mansouri - CTO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • CTO
  • Senior Staff Engineer at Google
Previously senior staff engineer at Google, Jalal was lead technical architect on Rainbow Six Siege before that where he led major rendering advancements and live developments aspects of the game. He participated in the development of multiple in-house engines across multiple studios.

Jean-Sébastien Guay

Job Titles:
  • Senior Graphics Programmer
Having worked at Bethesda Montréal for 4+ years, and previously for 6 years at Ubisoft, Jean-Sébastien cares about pushing rendering forward and about giving artists the tools they need to get awesome results.

Juan Parra

Job Titles:
  • UI Designer
With over ten years of experience, Juan is a trustworthy and multi-disciplinary designer. Pairing basic principles of design with interactive and sustainable concepts, he uses still and movement ideas as the backdrop for the various prototypes and collaborative projects he contributes to. Having a keen eye for the finest of details, Juan's work and desire is ultimately driven by an overarching positive and favorable user experience.

Julien Kauffmann

Job Titles:
  • Online Technical Lead
Former Online Technical Architect, Julien has been working for 7+ years on the cloud aspects of several video-games, including Ubisoft's biggest GaaS: Rainbow Six Siege. He is impassioned about all-things online, security and providing the best possible game and development experience, to both players and developers.

Kirill Daibov

With 10 years of programming experience, Kirill worked on games like Spellgear, Insomnia: the Ark, and Immortals Fenyx Rising.

Kris Stasik

Job Titles:
  • Networking Technical Lead
Former technical lead at Ubisoft Montreal, Kris has 12+ years of experience in game engine development. He lead the advancements of multiplayer technology on brands like Watch Dogs and Rainbow Six. He is always looking for new ways in which technology can empower game creators.

Kévin Combriat

Job Titles:
  • Senior Tools Specialist
Full-stack web developer since 2010, Kévin worked on multiple tools and applications in startups and big companies all over the world. He's also a rustacean who loves functional programming.

Marc Parenteau

Job Titles:
  • Senior Staff Programmer
Former technology director at Ubisoft Québec, involved in shipping many Assassin's Creed titles. In game development, experience mostly with systems/engine programming. Over thirty years of experience in software development overall, including work in e-commerce and supply-chain.

Marc-Antoine Desroches

Job Titles:
  • Senior Engineer at Google
  • Systems Technical Lead
Previously senior engineer at Google, Marc-Antoine has 20 years of experience in software development. He contributed to a variety of major titles like Watch Dogs, Rainbow Six Siege and Ancestors. He is passionate about building the best performance analytics system for games.

Nathalie Dubois

Job Titles:
  • VP of Engineering
Previously project lead programmer at Ubisoft on the Anvil Pipeline team, Nathalie is a 20+ years veteran of the video game industry. She led various teams (3D, UGC, Tools & UI) into shipping many AAA titles within Assassin's Creed and Far Cry franchises. She is passionate about empowering game developers with innovative technology and top notch UX.

Sylvain Martel

Job Titles:
  • Senior Staff Engine Programmer
Former Senior System Programmer at Electronic Arts, Sylvain have been in the game industry for 20+ years, working on franchises such as Army of Two, Dead Space, Dragon Age and Mass Effect. He's passionate about video development and has broad knowledge of game engine technologies.

Thanh Liem Tran

Job Titles:
  • Cloud Infrastructure & Operations Director
A cloud pioneer in the gaming industry with 20+ years of experience building online software and infrastructure for games. He contributed in the ship of multiple titles such as AC, Splinter Cell, Settlers Online, Endwar, Ghost Recon Online, Mighty Quest for Epic Loot. More recently, Liem led the online, network, liveops and SRE teams on Rainbow Six Siege.

Timothée Nitsas

Started at Ubisoft in 2012 and wore many different hats over the years while shipping Ghost Recon Wildlands, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Immortals Fenyx Rising. Passionate about data pipelines and backend technologies.

Vincent Duboisdendien

Job Titles:
  • Senior Programmer
For more than 20 years in the video game industry, Vincent has worked on the 3D technology of several AAA games such as Starfield, Tomb Raider or Deus Ex.