INVANTAGE - Key Persons

Anna Cottrill

Job Titles:
  • Business Operations Lead
Anna graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison with degrees in both International Business and Management & Human Resources - Entrepreneurship. At inVantage, Anna focuses on business growth & development, marketing strategy, and the elevation of all aspects of our client's experience during their time with us. She is interested in entrepreneurship, health & wellness, and travel, and is a dedicated lifelong learner.

Erica L. Roberts

Job Titles:
  • Operating Partner - 2IC, Certified Pinnacle Business Guide®
Her 25+ year career in executive leadership in human capital and industrial operations has allowed Erica to lead in various environments. From manufacturing and distribution to financial services, her innate determination for better results has driven Erica's passion for aligning a business's value to talent, leadership, execution, and financial strength. She knows the stresses and challenges of business and all the competing demands. Often the coach, she has focused on helping leaders worldwide improve their business units. Erica has never been comfortable with ‘staying in her lane,' and her drive to align talent to strategy has had her walking in lockstep with owners, CEOs, and Presidents as they look to grow their businesses. Erica became a Certified Pinnacle Business Guide because she enjoys working with executives to get more of what they want from their businesses. As a former client, she knows the organizational success that can be achieved from implementing the Pinnacle principles. After all, the best leaders didn't fall on top of their mountain-it was a climb!

Kelly M. Renz

Job Titles:
  • CEO, Certified Pinnacle Business Guide®
As a 27-year entrepreneurial leader, Kelly has never been one to conform to conventional business practices. Her innate desire to challenge the status quo and a relentless drive for better results influences how she approaches her work. One of her former CEO's would say she could see around corners. And she believes that is possible - there is an art and science to running a business and she subscribes to building accountability to achieve results. She became one of only 100 certified Pinnacle Business Guides in the world because she enjoys working with entrepreneurs to get more of what they want from their businesses. Pinnacle© is an evolution. They packed up some of the finest business tools on the planet-all curated from hundreds of time-tested books, proven systems and concepts-then custom designed for each business's unique climb-all to help teams gain the highest impact in the shortest amount of time. She has spent the past decade in sessions learning, and teaching leadership teams how to implement growth. It's not an easy journey, but in the end the view is incredible.