Updated 26 days ago
1700 Northside Drive Suite A7, Unit #5345 Atlanta, GA 30318
The tool presents the cost of diamonds as a function of the 4c's which are: Carat, Color, Clarity and Cut. The calculation is performed by selecting values for the 4c's, modifying your budget and by running the model with the update button. The calculator expresses estimates of the cost and budget-specific options in the form of a chart and a table...
On a session, the calculator let's you explore only 2 of the 4c's at a time. Select them with the radio button next to them. If you don't know where to begin, select Carat and Color as a starting point...
Use the slider bar next to the assign a range to the 2 characteristics of interst. If you don't know where to begin, you can keep the default values.
Also known as: Clearer Shopping, Clearer Shopping LLC