Mr. Lalit Raj Meena - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Mr. Lalit Raj Meena has done is post graduation from the University of Rajasthan in 1978,he also did a course on export marketing from the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade and a postgraduate diploma in Materials Management from Indian Institute of materials management, Mumbai Mr. Meena served for 32 years with India's largest Research and development organization Ie.council of scientific and industrial Research, Ministry of science and technology, Government of India. His last position was the senior controller of stores and purchase. Mr Meena has also served as chairman of the Indian Institute of materials management Chandigarh branch, during 1993-95,vice President north of of this Institute during 1996 1998, he was also the member of board of studies of IIM. He is the founder chairman of Indian Institute of Material Management Alwar branch and also serves as the National Secretary and Treasurer of this August body. He is is a trainer and consultant in the core area of industries ie. supply chain management.He has the overall experience of 40 years in the area of supply chain Management and now after laying off his office in March 2015 he started his own enterprise Aravali supply chain solutions with a motive to serve the industries in most efficient and economic manner .