Updated 7 days ago
Prodesur S.A. is an Argentine fishing company that operates since 1991 from the port of the southernmost city in the world, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego Province, Argentina...
Prodesur S.A. is focused on the quality of its products, respecting the environment, working responsibly and doing a sustainable exploitation of the marine resources. With more than 25 years of experience, Prodesur has a strong commitment to the Ushuaia community to which it belong...
Prodesur S.A. es una empresa pesquera que opera en Ushuaia, Argentina. El buque TAI AN esta dedicado a la elaboraciĆ³n de Surimi a bordo, HGT de pescado y Harina de Pescado.
Also known as: Prodesur SA
Registration numbers: 01530 (W)