Updated 3 days ago
2245 S 1640 W, Woods Cross, UT 84087
With over 40 Years of Experience, Alta Avionics, LLC is driven to provide the best possible service and communication. We strive to make access to avionics services easy. As we service equipment, we identify potential issues that can compromise the longevity of your equipment and the safety of your aircraft. Our loyal customers appreciate this level care and attention to detail... Alta Avionics provides skilled diagnosis, repair, installation, and maintenance for classic avionics and for today's most advanced avionics and instrumentation for General Aviation aircraft... Jeff Nicholls' technical expertise is well-known by the Salt Lake general aviation community. After decades at SLC as an avionics professional, he started Alta Avionics at Skypark Airport - a private airport just outside the SLC TCA. Alta Avionics has added capabilities and personnel to meet growing demand. Customers appreciate Alta Avionic's attention to detail and proactive approach to communication. And the company..
Also known as: Alta Avionics, LLC
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