Updated 1 day ago
558 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6286
The Mission of the Crime and Justice Policy Lab (CJP) is to help governments and communities by using research to support innovation of new policy solutions...
By aligning our interests to the needs of communities and policymakers, we ensure that our research has immediate relevance and impact. We prioritize research that can transform communities by changing underlying conditions, such as the lack of safety and opportunity that keeps people in cycles of intergenerational poverty...
Based in the Department of Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania, we partner with governments and non-profits to find research-based solutions to preventing crime, advancing the justice system, and other complex social problems. Our focus is on the needs and priorities of the partners and communities we work with-we believe good policy has to be responsive to and supported from the neighborhood level.
Also known as: Crime and Justice
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