Updated 4 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 01148594 (CH)
- Age: 51 years
- ID: 48243302/18
142B Park Drive, Milton Park, Milton, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4SE
• 62090 - Other information technology service activities
• 85600 - Educational support services
The British Educational Suppliers Association, is the trade association for the UK education suppliers sector. RM is a long-standing member of the association and committed to its code of practice...
RM is a leading supplier of technology and services to the education sector, supporting schools, teachers and pupils across the globe - from pre-school to higher education - including examination boards, central governments and other professional institutions. Promoting effective use of technology in education...
RM develops its onscreen marking software Scoris, which later becomes RM Assessor. It is still used to mark millions of exam papers worldwide.
Also known as: RM Education, RM EDUCATION LTD, RM Education Solutions India Pvt Ltd, RM Group, RM India, RM plc
Registration numbers: 01148594 (CH)
VAT numbers: GB 630823656
Associated domains: ks3ictpilot.com, lightbox-ed.com, primarycapitalprogramme.com, primaryschoolofthefuture.com, primaryschoolsforthefuture.com, primaryschoolsofthefuture.com, researchmachines.co.uk, rm-education.co.uk, rmeducation.co.uk, rmplc.com, rmplc.net, rmresults.com, sonet.com.au, timbrighouse.com