ZUBI UK - Key Persons


Job Titles:
  • General Manager
Adrian generally manages and also knows a fair bit about valves & process engineering. He is happiest on a Friday when you can hear him sing and whistle - this photo was taken on a Friday.


Job Titles:
  • Systems, Quality & Marketing
Adéle is responsible for ISO9001 Quality, Internal Systems, Health and Safety and other general geeky computer stuff. She has a background in Sales & Marketing and can therefore lie with a straight face


Job Titles:
  • Office Manager
Andy runs the office and general day to day sales, with his 40 year's experience he also comes with an encyclopedic knowledge of products and applications. He is a proud granddad who now knows about as much about tractors as he does valves


Job Titles:
  • Director
Dee is responsible for the accounts and finance, having been involved in general engineering for over 35 years and ran her own business, she is certainly not just a pretty face.


Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager
Gary is a big Canary (Norwich FC) supporter and a great story teller. He keeps us all entertained recounting all the hilarious situations he has found himself in over the years as DJ, Children's entertainer and Sales Manager


Job Titles:
  • Sales Technician
Joe looks after internal sales and helps out with the assemblies/builds in the workshop. Joe is also our resident frog wrangler and has become a dab hand at removing unwanted amphibians from the warehouse - we suspect this is a skill he picked up down under (Crocodile Dundee style)


Job Titles:
  • Director
John deals with major contracts and some day to day sales. With 40+ years experience within the Valve and Process industries there are very few applications he hasn't seen. Some may find his valve-ramblings boring, everyone in the office however, finds it riveting (he is the boss after all)