Carl Zapora - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Carl Zapora is the CEO of Zapora Consulting, LLC, specializing in executive coaching, search and organizational development. He has been the CEO of companies, nonprofit organizations and governmental entities. In 2005, Carl was elected board chair of United Ways of Washington and was also appointed to United Way Worldwide's National Professional Council, the select group of United Way CEOs who advise the CEO of United Way Worldwide. In 2014, Carl was appointed by Washington Governor Jay Inslee to the Edmonds College board of trustees. He is also a member of the Molina Healthcare of Washington board of directors and is the board chair of My Neighborhood News Network. Carl's wife, Cheryl Foster, is a retired Ford Motor Company executive. They live in Edmonds, Washington. Zapora has an amazing mix of leadership experience in the corporate, government and nonprofit world both locally and nationally. Nobody knows more about what makes communities and organizations successful.

Cheryl Foster

Job Titles:
  • Retired Ford Motor Company Executive