Updated 939 days ago
  • ID: 47841290/14
Alfred-Mozer-Str. 61 D- 48527 Nordhorn
Werk stät ten GmbH has spe cia li sed in pro ces sing stain less steel sin ce 1965. A com bi na ti on of expe ri ence, exper ti se and inno va ti ve thin king enab les us to gua ran tee con sis tent qua li ty in plant and appa ra tus engi nee ring. We are an aspi ra tio nal com pa ny that values each and every pro ject as much as our cli ents do... We have gai ned expe ri ence from deca des of coope ra ti on with a wide ran ge of indus tries, which today flows into our broad ran ge of stain less steel ser vices. We offer a high degree of fle xi bi li ty and deve lop indi vi du al solu ti ons that meet our cus to mers' requi re ments down to the last detail... As a com pa ny, we are as reli able and pro ven as stain less steel its elf, which we have been suc cess ful ly pro ces sing for five deca des. Every day we pro ve our sel ves in plant engi nee ring, appa ra tus engi nee ring and tank con struc tion by per forming at the hig hest level. Our cus to mers value us as a ver sa ti le..
Primary location: Nordhorn Germany
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