Updated 31 days ago
York House, 23 Kingsway, London WC2B 6UJ
The GGCS can provide information and signposting to consumers on a variety of schemes and regulations, e.g. CDP, Green Gas Levy, Green House Gas Protocol, but the recognition of RGGOs as evidencing green gas consumption is always determined by the internal and external stakeholders unique to each consumer...
RGGOs are issued to green gas producers for units of green gas injected into the gas grid, which displace units of fossil gas. They can then be transferred between a variety of counterparties before being retired and allocated to gas consumers. The GGCS ensures that only one RGGO is issued for each unit injected, that they are transferred securely, and only ever allocated to one consumer. By doing so we provide certainty that green gases are not double counted.
Also known as: GGCS, Green Gas
Registration numbers: 04241430 (W), 05720606 (W)