Updated 261 days ago
12956 Claylick Road Newark, Ohio 43056 UNITED STATES
Fathom Geophysics provides geophysical and geoscience data processing and targeting services to the minerals and petroleum exploration industries, from the regional scale through to the near-mine deposit scale. Among the data types we work on are: potential field data (gravity and magnetics), electrical data (induced polarization and electromagnetics), topographic data, seismic data, geochemical data, precipitation and lake-level time-lapse environmental data, and remotely-sensed (satellite) data such as Landsat and ASTER... We can help speed you toward your next greenfields and near-mine mineral exploration goals. We handle just about any type of data that can be thrown at us, such as potential field data (magnetic data and gravity data), seismic data, topographic data, ASTER and other remotely-sensed data such as Sentinel-2 and WorldView-3 data, radiometric data, geochemistry data such as stream-sediment sampling and rock sampling from surface and drillcore sampling campaigns, IP..
Also known as: Fathom Geophysics Australia Pty Ltd, Fathom Geophysics LLC