Updated 1008 days ago
875 Upland Avenue #55 Chester, PA 19013
Know you are buying quality. Know you have access to the latest products. And know how to use what you choose. Verilife is your local cannabis destination with the widest selection of quality brands. We pride ourselves in providing transparency and educational support for the safe use of cannabis. We're always working behind the scenes to bring innovative new products, services, and solutions to you...
Visit our Verilife medical marijuana dispensary in Wapakoneta, OH. Formerly Eagle Dispensary, we offer a wide variety of flower, vapes, edibles, and more...
Your story is our story. In fact, we made it our purpose. Verilife believes that everyone should have access to the best possible care. From the products we curate to the personalized customer care we provide, we put our belief into action with truth and transparency. This is our purpose and it's only natural that we find ourselves here-showing the many ways marijuana can, and does, improve quality of life.
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