Barry Mitchell

Barry Mitchell is a family man with a wonderful wife, 3 amazing sons, 2 amazing daughters-in-law and 3 gorgeous grandchildren. He is renowned for his humour (but we're not saying whether it is good humour or otherwise) and is seen as someone who is loved by everybody, easy to get on with and very easy to talk to. You would say he is a people's person. He has an uncanny ability to explain important and often technical matters in a language that everyone finds easy to understand. For over 40 years his passion has been martial arts and he has been invited to teach in many countries around the world, something he still does. Perhaps it is his martial arts that explains his quiet confidence, his re-assuring manner, his humility, his work ethic and his discipline. This is what Barry says: ‘I've been very fortunate to have maintained a ‘roll with the punches' outlook for whatever life has thrown at me, viewing challenges simply as things to overcome, turning what other people may see as problems into opportunities.