Updated 895 days ago
Private Limited Company
- Active - 07482219 (CH)
- Age: 14 years
- ID: 47401215/31
Byre Court Sandys Road Malvern WR14 1JJ
• 90020 - Support activities to performing arts
The 'Dance in Motion Academy' was founded in 2008 by Principal Miss Gemma Hinton. In 2010 the 'Dance in Motion Academy- Centre for Dance and Performing Arts' opened allowing students to gain outstanding dance and performing arts tuition in a professional environment. Over, the past twelve years the 'Dance in Motion Academy' has developed a very extensive timetable offering a wide range of professional tuition in many dance and performing arts genres, offering students the opportunity to train for examinations professional performances/shows and competitions across the UK and Europe... We strive to train our students to be the best they can be in a range of dance genres. We have seen many of our students go on to study dance and performing arts at leading dance training colleges and universities including Bird College, Urdang Academy, Midlands Academy of Dance and Drama, Birmingham Ormiston Academy and Ballet Theatre UK. We also have students which have been selected to be a part of..
Also known as: DANCE IN MOTION LTD
Registration numbers: 07482219 (CH)
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