Updated 902 days ago
- Age: 29 years
- ID: 47301020/15
Phoenix Dream Center P.O. Box 55226 Phoenix, AZ 85032
The work of the Phoenix Dream Center is financially supported primarily by individual donors from our community. In 2018 we achieved the milestone of ensuring that 100% of all individual financial donations go directly to programs and none of it goes to administrative overhead. We're so thankful to the private foundation and to the business community who helped us build our Social Enterprises Programs that enabled us to do that. You can make a donation by clicking HERE... While the services we offer are not conditional on a person's faith, our heart and our hope is that every person would find God's purpose and dream for their life... For example, we believe that a young girl who is trapped in the violent, life threatening abuse of human trafficking who happens to have COVID-19 still deserves to be recovered and helped - and we are going to help her. We will provide her with safe housing including isolated services so that any illness she has does not affect other girls who are also..